Saffron Buns with almond paste

Not very traditional, but very yummy! This is a riff on the cinnamon bun, using saffron instead of cinnamon with the almond paste filling.

Makes about 36 pieces of buns

50 gram Fresh yeast or 20 gram Active dry yeast

2 1/4 Cups Whole Milk heated to slightly over body temperature, about 100F

0.5 gram Saffron thread

3/4 Cup Granulated sugar

250 gram Cottage cheese or Ricotta cheese

100 gram Butter, room temp, cubed

1000 gram AP Flour

1/2 tsp Salt

Activate the dry yeast with warmed milk and rest for about 10 minutes.

If using fresh yeast, crumble it into a mixing bowl and, add warm milk on top, stir to dissolve. Add the saffron to the milk/ yeast mixture and steep for 5 minutes.

Add sugar, cottage cheese (or the ricotta), butter, Salt, and half of the AP flour, and mix until a dough forms. Add the rest of the flour, mix until combined, and a smooth dough is created. Proof covered for 45 minutes in a warm place.

Once proofed, roll the dough into two rectangular sheets and spread the filling equally.

Fold the sheets in half and cut strips, each sheet into 18pc, and twirl like a cinnamon bun. You could use baking cups to hold them together.

Preheat oven to 400-425F (why the wide range depends on your oven. Mine is running very hot, and I like the 400F when baking.

Proof-covered for 30 minutes, brush with the whipped egg, sprinkle sliced almonds and pearl sugar, and bake for about 8-12 minutes or until golden brown.

Cool on the rack before enjoying!

For Brushing the buns, you need

1/4 Cup Pearl Sugar

1/4 Cup Sliced Almonds

1-2 ea Egg large size- for more shine, add a tsp of whipped cream, lightly whipped.


200 gram Butter

200 gram Almond paste

1 tsp Fresh grounded Cardamom


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